Five Star Star San 8oz cs/12

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Item: EZZ7081A
Regular price $139.05
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Product Overview

STAR SAN HB is a blend of phosphoric acid and dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid. This synergistic blend provides a unique synergistic system that is unaffected by excessive organic soils. STAR SAN HB is also a self-foaming acid anionic detergent. It can be applied through a foamer to produce self-adhering foam or manual application. Cleaning with STAR SAN HB on a daily basis will leave equipment in an acid condition that will eliminate water spotting, mineral build-up, and corrosion. It is not recommended to use STAR SAN HB on soft metals because of the acid nature of this product.

Can be used as a no-rinse sanitizer if used under 300 ppm. 1 Ounce per 5 Gallons = 300 ppm

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